Friday, December 16, 2011

OMG, you guys! The awesome Lauren MacLeod is my agent now!!

Okay, so I guess some of you are wondering if you've read this correctly—well, you did! But maybe a few noticed that a while ago I removed the “represented by” from my bio and I was only a YA fiction writer—period. So yeah, I parted ways with my former agent—who I still think is great, just not the perfect fit for me—and after that, I spent the few weeks getting dizzy on the query-go-round.

And now, after a week of tough decisions between offers of representation, I get to announce that I couldn’t be HAPPIER! Because I think Lauren is AWESOME! I love her editorial suggestions and I loved talking to her clients, who by the way ADORE her! (I mean this, because I asked three of them to tell me Lauren’s weaknesses and they said she was just perfect!). I think I’m SO lucky!

So guys, meet my agent!! (I’m stoked! Can’t you tell?) I’m now represented by Lauren MacLeod of the Strothman Agency!! =D

(Wheeeee! Isn't she amazing?)