Friday, November 13, 2015

Reviewer Appreciation Giveaway! (International--and everyone who reviews gets TWO FREE e-books!)

Hey, guys! Hope you've all been great. =D I've been hiding under a rock, writing with pencil and paper the first draft of FROSH #2, and it's been fun!

Speaking of FUN! My publisher is doing something awesome. They are giving away 2 FREE PLL e-books for EVERYONE who has reviewed Frosh: First Blush on Amazon. The giveaway is international, and it lasts till 12/01/15.

The review... it can just be a couple of lines of what you thought. No need to write a testament! But I would appreciate if you could say something that will help others see if my book is for them or not. Critical reviews count, too.

To get the TWO free e-books, just tweet the link of your Amazon review to @paperlanternlit. (If you don't have a twitter account, you can email them, too).

If you review Frosh: First Blush on Amazon you will get TWO of these books:

 Happy reading!

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